Powerful Leap Forward Pre-Assessment
CourseSometimes taking an inventory about life is timely and the beginning place to find out how satisfied you are with areas in life and work. The questions are the jumping in opportunity to upgrade!
Claim Your Genius
Course"Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them" noted Buckminster Fuller. Claim your birthright as you unravel the truth of who you are as a powerful human being. Discover and express your 'why'. The time is now.
2024 Powerful Leap Forward Challenge
CourseExplore the lens of your Focus to zoom in or out; check your degree of commitment and launch the best year ever. If you have a sense of stirring that is itching from the inside, take this leap! 6 Sessions to jumpstart your launch.
Circle of Friends Explorers
CommunityEXPLORERS: What are we looking for? The circle holds a space to broaden and deepen our understanding of our commonalities and differences. Authentic conversations where everyone has a voice. Topics vary. Bi-monthly zoom gathering for an hour.
Rethinking Aging with EASE
CourseMany of us struggle with the concept of getting older. I found relief from resistance to the aging process when I decided that the opposite of old is not young, but NEW. This course is designed to alleviate the idea that aging is a problem.
Journey to Wholeness
CourseFrom the time of conception as a seed of spirit, the journey begins to remember our way back to the original essence of who we are on this planet. Returning to HOME is the process to complete our chosen mission. The course shows the map!