Course curriculum


    1. February 26, Zoom Gathering

    2. Interview with Bruce Grether, Author

    1. Welcome, meet DuAnne Audio

    2. Greetings and Welcome

    3. Welcome to REthinking Aging with EASE

    4. Chapter1: Telling the Stories of Our Lives

    5. Chapter 1: Lesson 1: The stories of our lives

    6. Chapter 1: Lesson 2: Request from a Samoan Girl to pick up Our paddles

    7. Chapter 1, Lesson 3: Notice what you notice: a new practice

    8. Chapter 1, Lesson 4: Inner-Sensing: Getting Out of the Thick of Things

    9. Chapter 1, Lesson 5: Words Matter

    10. Chapter 1, Lesson 6: DuAnne talks about Descriptive Words

    11. Allow the New

    12. Chapter 1, Lesson 7: Think of a Time

    1. Chapter 2, Lesson 1: Perceptions About Aging: Define Your Sparkle

    2. Chapter 2, Lesson 2: Perceptions and Misconceptions about Aging

    3. Chapter 2, Lesson 3: Reimagining Aging: My HealthSpan is equal to my LifeSpan

    4. Chapter 2, Lesson 4: Let's do a reframe: Thorns have Roses and message from Hafiz

    5. Chapter 2, Lesson 5: Breath of Life

    6. Chapter 2, Lesson 6: The Case for Elderhood

    7. Chapter 2, Lesson 7: What does it mean to be an Elder? Or a Sage? Or a Mentor?

    8. Chapter 2, Lesson 8: The strongest canoe - Another view of the Islander, Suluafi Brianna

    9. Chapter 2, Lesson 9: Remembering Wisdom Elders

    10. 5-Generational Workspace

    1. Chapter 3, Lesson 1: Engage with the Body: Head, Heart and Gut

    2. Turn the Chapter 3, Lesson 2: Process Upside Down

    3. Chapter 3, Lesson 3: Top 10 Brain-Busting Myths

    4. Chapter 3, Lesson 4: Discover your Keys to Vibrancy

    5. Chapter 3, Lesson 5: Engage Align Stretch Energize: EASE

    6. Chapter 3, Lesson 6: E- engage with our intuitive knowing

    7. Chapter 3, Lesson 7: A- align

    8. Chapter 3, Lesson 8: S- stretch my mindset and beliefs

    9. Chapter 3, Lesson 9: E- energize our actions

    1. Chapter 4, Lesson 1: ABC's of Success

    2. Chapter 4, Lesson 2: Rethinking Stress Management

    1. Chapter 5, Lesson 1: Birthing and Rebirthing of the Cosmos

    2. Chapter 5, Lesson 2: New Perspectives: James Webb images of the Cosmos


  • Free
  • 49 lessons
  • Dispel the myths of aging; expand your energy
  • Re-Claim the Wisdom
  • Upgrade your self image

Gutsy, Whole-Hearted and Wise